Last November 2011 we started another Green Business. We named our new business Green Heron Laundry Detergent. We really did not need to own a second product because we have been manufacturing our main product Battery Chem for over 25 years. I started the new product line for several reasons. The first reason is because I write about business a great deal and I was trying to prove the point that you do not need a fortune to start a business if you are careful and choose the right business. The reason I chose laundry detergent was because it is a huge consumer item. If you are going to manufacture a product you might as well make a product that everyone needs and has to buy often. Laundry detergent is not expensive to make and you don't need a lot of expensive equipment to make all natural detergent either. We chose not to use any perfumes or dyes in our product. It is even septic system safe.
Now why would we ever go head to head with the giant detergent soap companies? The answer is because it's easy. Those guys are huge lumbering giants with lot of real estate to pay taxes on and all kinds of other expenses that an Internet company would not dream of having. The fact is that we can mix sell a top quality product for less than the big guys can and we can deliver it right to the consumers door -- all for less money! We sent out a lot of samples and got rave reviews from everyone that tested. Now our product is slowly growing in popularity. We chose to sell our detergent in dry form for shipping purposes and let the consumer simply add water at home. Our kit consists of 5 one gallon packs of concentrated detergent. Five gallons of liquid detergent weighs about fifty pounds and five one gallon packs of Green Heron detergent minus the water weighs 20 ounces including the package. This is a huge savings in shipping costs! We are able to deliver our five gallon kit anywhere in the continental USA for $10.95 including shipping costs. Depending on the brand an equal amount (5 gallons) of other brands picked up at the super market currently cost from $30.00 to $110.00. This is an incredible difference in price considering that out customers are giving our product rave reviews.
I really wanted to encourage others to start there own business when I started Green Heron Laundry Detergent. I made it a point to make the start up cheap. We spent $15.00 on materials and built
a one page web site to get started. I think that we have made the point that thanks to the Internet you don't need a fortune to start a business and go head to head with the giants!
We also own Battery Chem known the world over for restoring very expensive lead acid electric fork lift batteries.